$1 ships $65 worth of life-saving medical supplies and equipment!

Our warehouse is filled millions of dollars in life-saving medical supplies and equipment—enough to fill 30 containers—supplies that are ready to be shipped to save lives, but we simply do not have the funds to do it.

Your help is needed in helping ship these containers as soon as possible. They have to arrive in Guatemala within the first months of the new year. 

For every $1 you donate, $65 worth of life-saving medical supplies and equipment will be sent to Guatemala! 

The value of these supplies is unbelievable—which makes your impact incredible. 

Every container needs to be shipped out of our warehouse by January, in order to help those who desperately need it—that means your gift must be in by December 31st!

There are thousands of people who are waiting for life-saving medicine and aid to arrive. Your gift will ensure that every child, mother, and family receives the help they so desperately need. 

Here are just some of the supplies ready to be shipped:

  • Crutches to help children with broken limbs walk.
  • Machines and monitors to help diagnose sick patients.
  • Motorized scooters and wheelchairs to give mobility to the elderly.
  • Walkers to help patients during physical therapy.

You generosity will have huge impact—just $1 will ship $65 worth of life-saving medical supplies, equipment, and aid! 

Will you take on this challenge with us?

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